Wednesday, 10 June 2015

The first cover

The other day I went looking for, and found, the original slide from my first North American cover. It was a portrait of Wayne Gretzky and Brett Hull for The Sporting News from March 13th, 1996. Almost 20 years ago! I can hardly believe it!
The original is on slide film so saying I went looking for it was no easy task. I have thousands of slides and lets just say it took me a while. 
My how things have changed in those twenty years and I'm not just talking about the digital work flow. 
The whole business of photography has changed. Back in 1996 there were only a handful of photographers in the Vancouver market. Now there are hundreds I'm sure. All competing for those coveted cover shoots. 
Companies aren't hiring photographers, they are shooting "in house" and putting the images onto their websites and around the world in minutes.
Other things have changed as well. The people in the photographs now have more control over the final image. In this shot I chose the above angle and pose but today on a lot of my shoots I have clients let me know what the final image should look like. Not saying that's all bad, just saying it's a different photo world.

So it's coming up to twenty years since I shot this cover.  
Oh and did I tell you I was really, really young when I shot it. 

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