Thursday, 4 July 2013

The crush.

I have learned over my 24 years in the Vancouver media that "the scrum" is not to be taken lightly. One photographer once called it "the media beast".

Everyone is trying to get the best shot, or scoop, or just get something before their deadline. The image that you see above was taken by me just a few years after 9/11. Canada's Public Safety Minister came for one event and ended up fielding questions from the media for half an hour on the the topic of the day, public safety.

As the cameras and microphones leaned in closer and closer I knew that the best shot was from above. I looked to my right and a staircase loomed above me. Perfect. My job at the time was to show what went on at the event, not what was said at the event.

For most news photographers, when the "crush" happens, your job, other than to show the viewer what happened, is to hold your position. Don't move around and don't get intimidated by the group pushing for the best shot.

The best shot waits for no one!

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